Here is a list of all the parts that you need for this mod
Hi guys after much research those of you who want to do this mod will have to purchase one of these
this is the most essential part to make this mod work
Another supplier
Set of nylon gear wheels from e-bay
A radio controlled servo.
You need one of these DPDT switch (dual pole dual throw)
you will also need some plasticard a safety pin and some superglue GEL
& Kaynar Wire
Step 1
Be carefull when stripping the motor as there are some sharp parts
When you have removed the back the center spindle (made of brass) should be free to remove you will notice 2 graphite rings on the end
these need to be removed (use a pair of pliers they will just crack off). Cut off surplus metal to create the top bearing for the screen. Pictures of the finished result below.
NB be careful not yo missplace the ball bearing that sits between the spindle and the black bush shown in the picture.
Step 2
Cut a length of wire off the paper clip and using a pair of pliers twist it around the wormscrew thread and you should end up with something like shown in the picture.

You may have to do a bit of tweeking for it to run freely along the wormscrew.
Step 3
Using a small pair of wire clippers take one of the small cogs shown below and snip off the larger of the 2 cogs
now taking a drill bit a tiny bit smaller than the wormscrew make the center hole bigger so it pushes on to the wormscrew nice n snug.
Next get this cog from the set and cut off the center support to make it flat..
Attach the servo arm shown and superglue the cog onto the base of the
cog and screw it through the center onto the servo.. Pictures below show
the finished product
Here is a picture of the wormscrew with the cog and lever attached.
Here is the top of the wormscrew mechanism that you have removed earlier..
you will need to prepare the case from the bullet proof screen
The silver plate you can see is there to give strength to the housing and supports the servo..
You will also need to file the front edge off the bracket as shown as this stops it binding to the screen as it raises and lowers...
Now comes the very fiddly part using the cog shown below make the center hole bigger so that the worm screw spins freely.....
Once you have done this clip off the cog part and trim as close as you can to the spindle..
Sand one of the sides so it is flat and lines up exactly to the bracket, using a soft piece of metal bend a support to fit round and glue into place
Now once dry put a small ammount of grease into the collar. Get the ball
bearing you saved and place it inside the collar and push it home with a
cocktail stick.
If you look closely you can see I have filed a small piece out of the pin retainer this is to allow the free movement of the cog on the wormscrew
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