Bullet Proof Screen Pt 2

Part 2

Now we need to drill a hole in the bullet proof screen itself.

It may not look it but the hole has to be precisely drilled, I ruined 4 till I got the right place.

Now slot the pin into the hole and attach the worm screw as in the pistures below.

Now in the slots just inside the screw holes on the screen housing push 2 pieces of springy metal that you need to bend in an elongated M shape. Make sure they are fitted as shown, two tips of the M to the inside.  These are support springs for the side on the screen to slide up and down.

Once this is done push the top of the worm screw into the top of the housing. The top of the worm screw will sit on the ball bearing. 

Now this is where an extra pair of hands will help.

Place the other half of the housing on top, sliding the bottom of the worm screw into the bush at the bottom, with luck and a lot of patience the 2 halves should slot together sandwiching the screen.

Now using the supplied screws fasten it all together. If you turn the bottom cog the screen will move up and down freely.

In the picture above and below you can see where the servo needs to be attached, if you haven't already guessed I used superglue gel.

If you attach the servo to a battery you will now have a raising and lowering bullet proof screen.

Controls are in part 3

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