GTR Light Test

Issue 61 the light test. 

There is a high probability that the fault is in the batteries in the key fob are flat. This is a simple fix for about £1. The batteries you need are two CR2016’s and the small Philips screwdriver provided with the build.

If you turn the key fob over there are 3 small screws that you need to unscrew. Take these out and take off the bottom.

This is what you will see gently lift out the circuit board and turn it over.

The offending batteries.

Break off this silver tab to allow you to push the batteries out from the back.

Now this is important carefully cut across the yellow plastic so it comes off in one piece. This is needed to wrap around the 2 new batteries.

Now push the 2 new batteries under the battery holder ensuring the yellow plastic doesn’t slip.

Place the circuit board battery side down into the bottom section of the remote, ensuring you have pushed the 3 corresponding pins through the holes in the circuit board. These should be flush.

Now place the 2 halves of the remote together. Make sure everything is flush and put the 3 screws back in.

and try the light test again 9 times out of 10 this is the problem and you will see the lights work with the remote.

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