
Here I am going to give the step by step instructions I made when I did my indicator mod, my mod actually works using the indicator stalk from the steering colum..

Items you will need, paperclip, thin wire (from telephone cable or similar Kaynar Wire is perfect),
2 1hz LED flahers, 6 LED's 2 Red & 4 Yellow.
I will post links for you to get the items you need.

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Step 1:

Using a piece from a paper clip make a Z shape and solder a wire to it this is going to be the posative feed for the light, this is the tricky part on the indicator stalk you need to drill a 1mm hole in the end parrallel to the handle nearly all the way through. Using contact adhesive glue the Z you made from the paper clip into the hole making sure the wire you have soldered on is free.

Step 2:

Cut 2 5mm lenghts of paperclip and solder a wire onto the end.

Step 3:

Using the 2 bits of paperclip place them parrallel on a piece of card approx 3mm apart and using a glue gun stick them in place, nb make sure they are parrallel. wait for them to dry.

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